I use the 4Ps to help you get more leads, sales, customers, and profits!

sean van zant picture of

Hi there, I’m Sean Van Zant!

I LOVE to help businesses like yours thrive by generating more leads, sales, customers, and profits through something called persuasive writing.

Persuasive writing is a HUGE reason why a companies’ revenue and profits soar.

So what is persuasive writing?

It’s writing that uses sales psychology to show your prospect that your company’s products or services are the right solution to your customer’s problem.

It’s what makes your marketing work, whether it’s through emails, e-newsletters, blog posts, website copy, social media posts, and so on.

I was trained and certified to do this special kind of writing and marketing through one of the world’s best training companies, American Writers & Artists Institute.

Since getting trained and certified through AWAI, I’ve been able to increase my company’s leads for hires by 4x through simply rewriting one of their emails.

If you’re ready to get more leads, sales, customers, or profits then give me a call, email me, or use my contact form today.

PS – Don’t forget to check out my testimonials page!

Proud member!

member badge of the professional copywriters association

Proud member of the International Professional Writer’s Association.

AWAI verified!

awai verified direct response copywriter

AWAI’s the “gold standard” for getting copywriting training and certifications.

Sales Letter Specialist!

sales letter verification badge

AWAI Certified sales letter writing specialist.

copywriter marketer certified content marketing specialist logo

Certified content marking specialist through master copywriter Joshua Boswell’s RISE! program.

Services I Offer…

Email Marketing | Writing & Designing E-newsletters.

I write emails that increase your open and click-through rates. And I design and write e-newsletters to help you build and maintain customer relationships !

Short & Long-form Sales Letter Writing

I craft compelling sales letters to help you generate more leads, sales, customers, and especially PROFITS!

Website Content Detective

I’m a "Website Content Detective" who takes your site through a 21-point checklist, and analyze it for anything that could be hurting your conversion rates!

What people are saying about me…

“Working with Sean completely transformed my marketing campaign for my Jumpstart Songwriting program. His compelling copy not only boosted engagement but also significantly increased my sales. If you’re looking to elevate your copywriting and marketing efforts, I highly recommend hiring Sean.”
ernie james paris
EJ Paris
Musician, author, producer, and actor
Sean is incredibly proactive and determined. He is goal focused and works to do all that he can to achieve them. Secondly, Sean’s life experience has instilled within him great measure of compassion and empathy. This allows him to connect with the strong emotions people have around him and is very present in his writing. I highly recommend Sean as an asset to anyone that he works for. He will not disappoint!
Kathleen Crossley
Business Strategist, Marketing Assistant @ CopywriterMarketer.com